337 Some Cheesy Quotes

In the past few weeks, i read, heard few sentences/words from other people which even though u might find it cheesy, it touched me beautifully. I feel that i have to write it here, so next time i need a “pick me up” i can come back to read it

1. Be thankful for things that didn’t work out for you, as it means you gained space and that space allowed u to change.

2. I am proud of you for trying, even when it hurts.

3. Eventually you will find them: your life purpose, your journey. Be it a human being, a thing, a hobby, keep going till you reach them.

4. You will realize it one day that happiness was never about your job, degree or being in a relationship. Happiness was about how you learn to live with yourself, your happiness is not in the hand of others, it was always about you.

5. What does happiness feel like? It feels like everything inside you become light and your heart float above water.

6. The world is hard, but stay soft no matter how hard the world treated you.

7. Be the reason why someone believe in the goodness and in the heart of other human being.

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